“Like a flower, withered and bloomed, she will begin again.”

Hailing from small town Northern Ontario, Shadow Girl spent years honing her craft as a classically trained vocalist; showcasing her talents as a coloratura soprano and musical theatre performer. Her raw passion for poetry, songwriting and music creation runs deeper than words, so it was no surprise that she became increasingly bored with the rules and structure of the classical world as time went on. With a few dollars and an overflowing arsenal of things to say, Shadow Girl relocated to a more expressive city and began her love affair with Rock music; regularly performing throughout the Toronto circuit and recording an album filled with unapologetic original songs. She later stumbled upon acrylic paint, mixed media and canvas, and has since married these tools with the elements of her musical world to create visual representations of the unique thoughts and intense feelings that fuel her creativity. Shadow Girl strives to take her fears and turn them into flames, while moving through life as a storyteller, musician and visual artist.